Monday, March 16, 2009

New Meadows

In February our family went to visit my friend Mary and her family. The live up in the mountains of New Meadows and it is beautiful. The kids got to spend time playing with her daughter Mabry. We all got to relax and enjoy Mary's great cooking. The kids and Steve also got to do some sledding while we were there. Tyson was ready from the start, since he's our little dare devil. Emma was not so sure, she had to watch a few times before she would go. The kids wanted to go again and again. On one run down Tyson and Steve were going so fast that when they hit a bump, Ty flew off the sled and landed in the snow. Tyson got a little scratched up on the snow, but he was fine. He was actually mad we made him come in and stop sledding. He will definitely keep us on our toes and he grows!

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